Uncorporated Studio was thought out as a space where an artwork born digitally can be expressed in a multitude of ways in the physical world. The studio connects the spaces of media processing, generative AI and digital fabrication. More than a traditional fabrication lab, it goes beyond the standard processes, like 3D printing or laser cutting. Uncorporated Studio develops custom media processing pipelines that help to translate the original language of digital artworks (whether it is an image, code, or data) into a system of unique physical textures and marks and builds custom robotic machines to transfer those marks on paper, canvas, textiles and other physical media.

Uncorporated Studio welcomes artists and curators, engineers and material designers who want to work with us. One of our most important commitments is to support open-source software and hardware development for art-making. We commission projects and organize residencies for artists and engineers who want to creatively use, extend or build new art making tools with us. Our workshop is located in Zurich, Switzerland and we are open to collaborations and commissions world-wide. Reach out with your creative ideas or follow us on socials to learn about our upcoming programs. 




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